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5.7km Challenge

Event Preview – Suncorp Bank 5.7km Challenge

The Suncorp Bank 5.7km Challenge on Saturday 6 July continues to be one of the most popular events across the Gold Coast Airport Marathon weekend (6-7 July). “The pressure is off for this one,’’ says …

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2km Junior Dash

Race Preview – 2km & 4km Junior Dash

A record number of little feet will stride into the footprints of running legends during both the 2km and 4km Junior Dash races this Saturday, 6 July, as part of the Gold Coast Airport Marathon. …

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Six-time Paralympian strives for Guinness World Record

Six-time Paralympian Michael Milton has competed on the world’s largest sporting stage but admits his world record attempt at this year’s Gold Coast Airport Marathon (6 – 7 July) could be his toughest challenge to …

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Community groups vital to the success of the Gold Coast Airport Marathon

Forty community groups will lend a vital hand in a variety of roles during the Gold Coast Airport Marathon weekend (6 – 7 July) including coordinating aid stations, road marshalling, left luggage and assisting in the recovery area.

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Steve Moneghetti: Warm-Up & Cool-Down

A proper warm up before and cool down after activity are both very important to maximise performance and enhance recovery and you should view them as an integral part of your training sessions and races.

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Steve Moneghetti: Nutrition

In the weeks leading up to the Gold Coast Marathon race weekend, it’s not a bad time to start thinking about your nutrition.

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Marathon’s domestic and international credentials keep growing

The 35th annual Gold Coast Airport Marathon is on track to host a record number of runners this year, including a band of elite athletes with the credentials to shatter race record times across the 6 – 7 July race weekend.

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Steve Moneghetti: Injuries

No matter what distance you’ve entered, it’s vitally important that you avoid injuries so you arrive on the Gold Coast Marathon start line in top shape.

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Japanese elites push for Gold Coast Airport Marathon course records

The fastest Japanese men to run the Gold Coast Airport Marathon will return in July to set up a mouth watering head-to-head battle. Taiga Ito holds bragging rights with the 2:13:16 he set in 2011, but compatriot Yuki Kawauchi was just ten seconds behind that time when he finished fourth on the course last year in 2:13:26.

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Steve Moneghetti: Hydration

Correct fluid intake before and after your run is critical for your performance and recovery while training for the Gold Coast Marathon.

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