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Gold Coast Double 63.3km

Take on 2 races over 2 days!

Run the Gold Coast Double 63.3km to earn some extra bling!

Compete in the Half Marathon on Saturday 6 July and the ASICS Gold Coast Marathon on Sunday 7 July and celebrate your awesome achievement of endurance with an extra medal.

You will also receive all your finisher rewards for the Half Marathon and ASICS Gold Coast Marathon.

Race Information

Distance 63.2925km (21.0975km & 42.195km)
Date Saturday 6 July 2024 & Sunday 7 July 2024
Recommended arrival time 5:15am
Start time (Saturday & Sunday) 6:15am
Minimum age 18
Fee $325 – 1 Dec -31 Dec (Half Marathon – $145 / Marathon – $180)
$345 – 1 Jan -30 April (Half Marathon – $155 / Marathon – $190)
Cut off time Half Marathon – 3 hours 20 minutes; Marathon – 6 hours 40 minutes. (Policies and etiquette)

Where to collect your Gold Coast Double Medal 63.3km ?

How to enter the Gold Coast Double 63.3km

To enter the Gold Coast Double 63.3 event select the “Enter another race” option on your summary page after completing your first registration in either the Half Marathon or the ASICS Gold Coast Marathon.

Already entered one event?

If you have already registered and wish to enter a second event please complete the registration form for your second entry. An entry in each race is all that is required to secure your 63.3 entry, please ensure your surname, email and DOB are the same for each race entry.

Other possible double entry combinations

Saturday – 5km Fun Run, Sunday  Marathon
Saturday  Half Marathon, Sunday  10km Run
Saturday  Half Marathon, Saturday  5km Fun Run
Saturday – 5km, Sunday  10km Run
Saturday – 4km Junior Dash, Sunday – 10km Run (only available to those aged 12, 13 or 14)  

Please note due to timing, you will be unable to enter both the Marathon and 10km events.