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Children with disabilities inspire Brisbane local to run debut marathon

Georgina Clutterblack

Working with children who may never run or walk has motivated Brisbane local Georgina Clutterbuck to run her debut marathon at the Gold Coast Airport Marathon in July while raising funds for The Children’s Hospital Foundation.

The 23-year-old paediatric physiotherapist assists children with disabilities who have difficulty moving their bodies and is constantly inspired by their dedication to learn and develop.

Georgina said her goal is to raise $1,000 for The Children’s Hospital Foundation and give back to the children and their families who bring so much joy to her workplace every day.

“Some of my kids will never walk and a lot will never run. Yet, they are delighted with the movement they have,” said Georgina.

“Every day they work so hard to learn how to move their bodies and they are supported by amazing families who are with them every step of the way.

“The Children’s Hospital in Brisbane is a place that many of them know well and it becomes home to them when times are tough.”

Georgina, who couldn’t run for two minutes straight 12 months ago, has begun her training for the big run and constantly reminds herself of how lucky she is.

“When I run, I think of what a privilege it is to work with kids and families who bring so much joy to everyone they meet,” said Georgina.

“I think of how lucky I am to have two strong legs that follow my brain’s directions to move exactly how I want them to.

“I also remember how hard my kids work for me, so that’s why I run hard for them.”

If you would like to support Georgina please visit her Everyday Hero page.

Follow her Gold Coast Airport Marathon training journey via My Marathon Bubble.

For more information visit www.goldcoastmarathon.com.au.